Walk Down the Path to
Blonde & Grey's Universe -
Where Flute-Driven Pop-Rock Meets Poetic Lyrics

Enter your name and email address below and you'll be listening  to Blonde & Grey's "Mud Mills Road" single along with access to an historical bundle of recordings, videos and information about the song  - FREE!

And Just added: Two additional singles from our 
Face The Music Album


A song from the new album
Drifting Through The Universe


Video of Blonde & Grey Cover of Moondance 

(and more...)

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Rock-Pop with plenty of flute.
In the spirit of musicians like
Joni Mitchell, Moody Blues,
Jethro Tull and Fleetwood Mac

Enter your name and email address below and you'll receive Blonde & Grey's "Mud Mills Road" single along with access to an historical bundle of recordings, videos and information about the song  - FREE!

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Meet Blonde & Grey

Meet Blonde & Grey, a beacon in the world of rock and pop that pays homage to timeless classics while carving out its own unique space. With a fresh twist on legendary sounds from Moody Blues to Fleetwood Mac, Blonde & Grey offers a captivating musical experience that speaks across generations.

Their latest album, Face The Music, is an exceptional collection of fourteen tracks that include songs like 'Mud Mills Road' and 'Trying Too Long'. Each song on the album carries its own emotional weight, complemented by a judicious mix of flute and vocals. Each track unfolds a narrative that's both intimate and universal. The tracks echo the band's commitment to artistic integrity, offering a blend of nostalgia and modernity that is sure to captivate.

For a limited time, Blonde & Grey is offering their latest single, 'Mud Mills Road,' absolutely free. It's a taste of the authentic and soulful music that has made them a sensation among fans who appreciate depth and nuance in their sonic experiences.

Don't miss this chance to enrich your playlist with music that matters. Simply enter your info below to get your free single and dive into the world of Blonde & Grey.


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What others are saying about Blonde & Grey...

MOBangles.com (The Mob's Press)

"Sometimes greatness emerges from unexpected places and that’s happened again with this lively and intensely musical duo."

Melody Maker Magazine

"Neil Friend and Kathy Olsen have a natural feel for working with each other that you don’t often stumble on, but their album Face the Music sparkles thanks to their chemistry."

IndiePulse Music

"...well-served by production capturing the nuance and feel of instrument and vocals alike. ...and produces a vibrant and full body of music anyone can enjoy."


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Song & Info Bundle

Mud Mills Road


Brand New Single 

How Many States

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Blonde & Grey


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Blonde & Grey


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